Patent for Sale - The Well Dome

Protect Your Wells From Flooding, Vandalism, Criminal Acts and Accidents/Collisions

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Well Dome Installation


Most frequent questions and answers

The Well Dome® is a heavy reinforced concrete housing that sits over an artesian well pipe, protecting the well from damage and potential water contamination from surface sources.

Unprotected well pipes may be vulnerable to damage by cars, plows, ATVs, lawn mowers and vandals loosening cap bolts. A Well Dome® will solve each of those issues.

Unnoticed openings and cracks are passageways for insects, dorents, dirty water, bacteria and viruses.

No-maintenance removable-top Well Domes offer significant protection while allowing access to your well cap should the well pump require servicing.

Well Domes can be painted or stone finished to blend into your landscape.

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